Jeanette Marais

Jeanette Marais

Jeanette was employed at Allan Gray from 2009 to 2017 and was jointly responsible for the Retail business, specifically heading up Distribution and Client Service. She was also a director of Allan Gray Investment Services and Allan Gray Unit Trust Management. Jeanette holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of the Free State and a Master of Business Administration (with Honours) from the Institute for Management Development. She has spent her career in the financial services industry assuming various senior positions.

Articles by Jeanette Marais

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to tame temptations

By Jeanette Marais on 22 Nov 2017

Reading time: 6 mins

A survey conducted by the University of Pennsylvania a few years ago asked respondents to rank their strengths in 24 different skills. Self-control ended up ...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Should you see a financial adviser?

By Jeanette Marais on 29 Sep 2017

Reading time: 5 mins

With World Financial Planning Day happening on 4 October, there is no better time to get your financial house in order. If you have never sought the help of ...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Take charge of your finance this Women's month

By Jeanette Marais on 14 Aug 2017

Reading time: 9 mins

A man is not a financial plan and women today are becoming more aware of the fact that they must take ownership of their finances. August is Women’s month, s...

Insights categories - Retirement

How do I know I’m on track with my retirement savings?

By Jeanette Marais on 03 Jul 2017

Viewing time: 1 min

It is important to have a goal when you are saving for retirement. Studies show that you need 17 times your final pre-tax salary...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to cope with ongoing uncertainty

By Jeanette Marais on 24 May 2017

Reading time: 5 mins

Over the past year there have been plenty of painful reminders that we have no control over what happens in the world. And there doesn’t seem to be any clari...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Junk status: Diversification is key to protect against market shocks

By Jeanette Marais on 05 May 2017

Reading time: 3 mins

The best thing you can do during periods of heightened uncertainty is to stick to your investment plan...

Insights categories - Local investing

Raging Bull Awards

By Jeanette Marais on 26 Jan 2017

Reading time: 2 mins

The results of the Raging Bull Awards were made public last night. Hosted by Personal Finance in conjunction with partners ProfileData and PlexCrown Fund...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How can I earn higher returns and pay less tax?

By Richard Carter and Jeanette Marais on 30 Jun 2016

Reading time: 10 mins

Tax has a significant impact on the returns of your investment. If, like most of us, you would like to see more return in your account and less in the hands ...

Insights categories - Personal investing

February: Don’t miss out on your 2015/2016 tax breaks

By Jeanette Marais on 18 Feb 2016

Reading time: 7 mins

The end of the tax year is fast approaching – but there is still time to take advantage of some of the incentives the government has put in place to encourag...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Saving in a rising interest rate environment 2015

By Jeanette Marais on 20 Nov 2015

Reading time: 4 mins

The South African Reserve bank has announced an interest rate increase from 6% to 6.25% confirming that the country is in a rising interest rate cycle.   Whi...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Tales of rice and rewards

By Jeanette Marais on 05 Oct 2015

Reading time: 6 mins

We often talk about the value of time in investing, but it is difficult to really get to grips with the rewards that can be reaped through compound growth:...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Are we snookering ourselves with confirmation bias?

By Jeanette Marais on 26 May 2015

Reading time: 5 mins

We have written regularly about investor behaviour, noting how emotions can be our worst enemy. Driven by fear and greed, many investors buy high and sell lo...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Are your investment goals, products and expectations suitably aligned?

By Jeanette Marais on 01 Aug 2014

Reading time: 4 mins

Our investment goals depend on our personal priorities in life and there is no generic set of goals that applies to everyone, and no set timeline for achievi...

Insights categories - Personal investing

What are the merits of good independent advice?

By Jeanette Marais on 31 Mar 2014

Reading time: 8 mins

Many investors lack the time, knowledge and experience to invest successfully, often encountering difficulties that could have been avoided had they taken...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Fund ratings: an additional tool for your decision-making toolkit

By Jeanette Marais on 13 Oct 2013

Reading time: 6 mins

Over the last 10 years the unit trust industry in South Africa has enjoyed substantial growth both in assets under management and in the number of funds...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Adding fund ratings to our Offshore Platform

By Jeanette Marais on 24 May 2013

Reading time: 5 mins

The vast selection of fund managers and offshore unit trusts available globally makes offshore investing daunting even for more experienced investors and...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Make financial planning a priority in 2013

By Jeanette Marais on 10 Dec 2012

Reading time: 4 mins

Research from the US1 shows that financial planning is a critical factor separating those who are on track to meet their financial goals and those who are...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Logic fails to prevail in investment decision making

By Carl Richards and Jeanette Marais on 24 Aug 2012

Reading time: 4 mins

Most of us make the same mistake with our money over and over again: we buy high out of greed and sell low out of fear, despite knowing on an intellectual...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Use your head not your heart and think long term

By Jeanette Marais on 17 Nov 2011

Reading time: 6 mins

A key step when planning your investment is choosing the right unit trust based on your risk profile and priorities and then staying invested to reap the...

Insights categories - Personal investing

It is worthwhile starting to save early - a little can go a long way

By Jeanette Marais on 20 Oct 2011

Reading time: 5 mins

You can substantially improve your financial situation if you start saving sooner rather than later and you will be a step closer to being financially...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Understanding your offshore investment options

By Jeanette Marais on 30 Jun 2011

Reading time: 8 mins

On top of making investment decisions, there are various practical options to choose from when investing offshore. Exchange controls are currently a constrai...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The role of financial advice in helping you become a better long-term investor

By Jeanette Marais on 31 Mar 2010

Reading time: 8 mins

In the Quarterly Commentary 3 of 2008, Richard Carter explained the difference between fund and investor returns. He outlined both our role at Allan Gray and...

Insights categories - Local investing

The Balanced Fund celebrates 10 years

By Jeanette Marais on 30 Sep 2009

Reading time: 8 mins

On 1 October 2009 Allan Gray celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the Balanced Fund. Excluding the money market funds, at just over R29bn it is now the...


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